(VIDEO) Dad and His Three Sons Move Judges To Tears After Emotional Performance of ‘Father and Son’
Meet ‘The Neales’ – Father and Son Singers He had a heart attack that shook his family’s world. His sons realized how precious life was and started…

(VIDEO) Autistic brother sings with 10 different voices in 3 minutes, and all are spot on Gabe and Nate Brown on AGT
Navy veterans and brothers, Gabe and Nate Brown, admit to being nervous as they take the AGT stage for the first time, but the audience…

(VIDEO) I’ve Heard THIS 1964 Song Uncountable Times. But When HE Sang It THIS Way, It’s
Disturbed is an American alternative metal band from Chicago, Illinois that has captured the hearts of many heavy metal fans over the years. Last year, Disturbed recorded…

(VIDEO) Neil Diamond Released His New Music Video. But Wait Till You Hear His Voice. Unbelievable!
Diamond Neil is a very known singer and song writer, He began his career in the 60’s and until now he is still producing some work and…

(VIDEO) SIMON SAYS: This 12-year-old’s performance is “one of the best I’ve ever seen on the show.”
The name to remember is Merrick Hanna. He’s no stranger to fame, but AGT gave him another shot to reclaim a previously missed opportunity. We’ve seen…

(VIDEO) Patsy Cline starts singing “I Fall To Pieces” and I got chills. I can’t believe she’s that good!
Patsy Cline was a household name in the 50s. Her career slowed after she became pregnant with her daughter, and then she made a huge comeback in…

(VIDEO) Three Women Begin Singing ‘Delta Dawn’ – Suddenly Out of Nowhere, a Fourth Joins in, and It’s Magical
One of the most memorable and favorite, yet least heard classic country songs is “Delta Dawn.” It was first performed by Alex Harvey who placed it on his…

(VIDEO) Kenny Rogers Pairs With Wynonna Judd for Phenomenal “Mary Did You Know” Rendition
Believers all around the world know how important the story of Mary is in The Bible. This song is all about asking her if she knew her…

(VIDEO) Women Sing WWII Classic, Only To Shock The Audience When Special Guests Walk On Stage
You won’t be able to take your eyes off this stunning performance. Nine women take the stage as Simon Cowell and his fellow judges prepare to be…

(VIDEO) Contestant Belts Out Just 5 Words from 1966 Classic, Judges Immediately Spin Around To See Who’s Singing
He chose this song for his audition to become part of a singing competition called the Voice Holland. The competition seeks to give new meaning to the…